2021 Summer concert activities of Dusha Connection, started by organization of an innovative series of moderated open-air concerts for the cultural stimulation of places in Vienna that are worth discovering.
Open Air Concerts for everyone
Instead of taking place in concert halls or jazz clubs, the concerts – Due to the pandemic: serendipity! – take place in public spaces under the open sky, giving residents and those interested a low-threshold and free access to art and culture.
Own compositions and arrangements that draw their source of musical inspiration from the rich cultural pot of Viennese music history: The Wiener Lied, Jewish, Slavic and oriental melodies and rhythms as a leitmotif in contemporary jazzy arrangements.
Esad Halilovic (drums and musical direction)
Sebastian Schneider (piano and arrangements)
Clemens Rofner (bass and compositions)
Alena Baich (violin and moderation)
28th Wieden St. Elisabeth Platz, vor dem Eingang der Kirche
29th Leopoldstadt „Central Garden“, Treppelweg am Donaukanal
06th Mariahilf vor der Kirche St. Ägid, Gumpendorferstraße / Brückengasse 5
09th Alsergrund WUK im Hof, Währinger Straße 59, mit special guest Wolfgang Puschnig
12th Meidlinger Markt
16th Ottakring Yppenplatz, vor dem Markt-Café „mani“ / Schellhammergasse
18th Margareten Begegnungszone Reinprechtsdorfer Brücke
19th Döbling Kulturverein „El Tren“, Heiligenstädter Straße 70
06th Währing Johann-Nepomuk-Vogl-Platz, 1180 Wien
07th Penzing „Bebop“ Breitenseer Straße 39
08th Favoriten Freiluft Bühne „Favorit“, Fußgängerzone Favoritenstraße
10th Brigittenau Vor der Kirche St. Brigitta, Brigittaplatz / Amtshaus
25th Donaustadt Lagerwiese / Alte Donau
27th Liesing „Genuss Spiegel“, Levasseurgasse 19 – Kirchenplatz
15th Simmering Szene Wien – Gastgarten, Hauffgasse 26
Thankfully, the events are partially funded by the district’s cultural commissions and supported by the Market Office of the City of Vienna.